TUESDAYS: 5:30-7
Attendance Info:
Class runs every Tuesday unless otherwise announced on this page or on our TriYoga email group (email mattbeigle@gmail.com to be added).
Drop-in (space permitting) or email to reserve your spot.
Bring a mat if you have one. There are mats here.
For yoga class please enter through the back door. Classes will be held in the lower level.
More info and workshop announcements coming soon!
Drop in: $18
10 class pass: $150 (Good for 16 weeks)
5 class pass: $80 (Good for 8 weeks)
about tri yoga
Tri Yoga, the art and science of yogaflow®, is the dynamic, meditative trinity of asana, pranayama and mudra. Prana-inspired and systematically introduced, Tri Yoga unites breath and mudra with flowing and sustained postures. It has the inherent qualities of rhythmic pacing, relaxation-in-action, wavelike spinal movements and economy of motion.
Students can remain with Basics (108 posture sequences) or continue to Level 1 and subsequent levels. Within each level, students develop precise natural alignment, strength, flexibility, endurance and a longer, more rhythmic breath. When the movement of body, breath and mudra harmonize, the inner flow of prana is experienced. Continued practice makes the body~mind a fit instrument for meditation and for life. Founded by internationally renowned yogini, Kaliji (Kali Ray). Taught in 40+ countries by over 2450 certified teachers with 54 Tri Yoga Centers and Communities. (from TriYoga.com)
“My experience with Matt is through the yoga classes he teaches at City Fitness in Northern Liberties, and he is hands down my favorite yoga instructor in Philadelphia (I tried a few different yoga studios with multiple teachers before joining CF).”
— Jennifer R. (Yelp.com)